Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Do HOA's have veto power on paint colors not visible from HOA property?

For example, if one has a door on the backside of the house that is not visible at all from the HOA's ';common area'; (the street on the frontside of the house), does the HOA have the ability to dictate what color it can be?Do HOA's have veto power on paint colors not visible from HOA property?
It really depends on how the HOA bylaws are written. Different communities have varying degrees of detail as far as what you can and can not do. You need to get the bylaws from the HOA for a full list of what is and is not allowedDo HOA's have veto power on paint colors not visible from HOA property?
it depends on the HOA but most have a say on the outside the entire house if they were to ever find out they could tell you to change it back.
Depends on the HOA Declarations. You should have received a copy when you bought your house. If the HOA is trying to enforce that rule, ask them to show you what section of the HOA declarations gives them the right. Additionally, there may be policies passed by the Architechtrual Committees of your HOA that specifies this.
That mostly depends on the agreement you have signed and how much you want to fight. It can be written in loosely and most people just back down. Majority of the time, they are pretty specific in your agreement.

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