Thursday, March 4, 2010

What paint colors are the best to help with depression?

Someone I know suffers from depression and is repainting her house. I was going over color choices with her and she wanted a dark cranberry. I told her it would only make things worse and she needed brighter lighter colors. What colors are the best to paint with?What paint colors are the best to help with depression?
greenWhat paint colors are the best to help with depression?
Light green is a good color.
Light colors, but it's also a matter of taste. Depressed people don't loose taste and preference. A dark cranberry accent could work nicely depending on other paint and furnishings used in the room.

Your advice will probably be more well received if you incorporate her style and ideas. Mostly, just steer her away from creating dark, drab rooms.
Pastels such as blue, green, pink and yellow.
Dark colors are not always bad, especially if they are a beautiful color, but you're right, generally lighter colors are preferable.

The lighter mauves can be restful, as can tans, nice spring greens with a good shade of green (not too yellow), light aquas, pale yellowish-oranges, and whites with wallpapers that are pretty.
bright colors, but not bright white, that's too hospital like.

try different shades of yellow, blue, maybe even red.
green orange yellow but especially green like lime green oh and pink
Blue and Green are good for depression.
I've read that lighter shades of pin are good for anger %26amp; depression. Personally, I like light %26amp; bright yellows (and I tend to have depression probs) I'd definately stay away from darker colors--I'm sure there's interesting research on the subject. good luck,.
Don't choose purple it's a depressive colour. Yellow is sunny. A nice pain lemony yellow colour. Dark colours could be gloomy.
I would go with something happy. like a light yellow or a sky blue...
Although they do not match, pink and yellow are the best colors for depression in my opinion.....they are such happy and soothing colors, too!!
zen blue and green colors. pastels.
When you're feeling really down the last thing you want to see is happy things, that will make you feel worse. Sometimes wallowing in your self pity for a while helps you see the bright side. That's why emo music is so depressing!

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